
Getting to know Tribu Gaia

Sol enjoying the wonderful playground
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As nomad parents, we are always looking for the best destinations, environments, and experiences for our daughter Sol to grow and learn. Usually, learning happens spontaneously while the three of us are together doing everyday things, although sometimes we need a little external help to get work done.

Our trip to Catalonia to visit family and friends led us to discover an extraordinary place called Tribu Gaia in Mollet del Vallès, 30 minutes away from Barcelona. This unique space of alternative education has captivated us and has become a place we will always return to. In this blog post, we want to share our experience and recommend Tribu Gaia to families looking for an enriching and caring environment for their little ones near Barcelona.

Open to families and mixed aged groups

One of the most outstanding features of Tribu Gaia is that mothers, fathers (or grandparents!) are always welcome and can stay as long as they want with their little ones. Additionally, girls and boys, from 0 to 6 years old, are not separated by age but freely share spaces, learning from each other. For us, these two factors were key to having full confidence in Cris, the director of Tribu Gaia, and her project.

Free play

Alternative learning

Children are seen as active beings and participants in their own learning process. They are given the freedom to explore, experiment, and discover the world around them at their own pace, with special attention to their emotional needs. The facilitators provide a daily proposal, but it is the children who decide whether they want to participate or not.

Experimenting with dried sage

The space

At Tribu Gaia, there is a welcoming atmosphere carefully designed to stimulate the curiosity, exploration, and self-discovery of girls and boys. It has different spaces where they can unleash their imagination and act according to their needs: a large outdoor patio, a psychomotor room where they can move freely and safely, a reception and symbolic playroom, and a room for miniature worlds and stories.

Sharing breakfast

If you want more information, you can visit their website and contact Cris through their contact form or phone.

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